Staff Directory


Photo of Doug Raycroft

Doug Raycroft


Vice Principals

placeholder image for Agnieszka Barwacz Riou

Agnieszka Barwacz Riou

Vice Principal, Biology teacher

placeholder image for Michael Bradford

Michael Bradford

Acting Vice Principal

Administrative Assistants

placeholder image for Trish Larson

Trish Larson

Office Manager

placeholder image for Colleen Romaniuk

Colleen Romaniuk


Student Services

placeholder image for Kim Bailie

Kim Bailie

Administrative Assistant

placeholder image for Karen Galandy

Karen Galandy

Counsellor, English 30 teacher

placeholder image for Robyn Schiffner

Robyn Schiffner

Administrative Assistant

placeholder image for Carrie Westgard

Carrie Westgard



placeholder image for Stephanie Aitken

Stephanie Aitken

Science, Outdoor Education

placeholder image for Bryan Allsopp

Bryan Allsopp

Music, CALM, Languages

placeholder image for Agnieszka Barwacz Riou

Agnieszka Barwacz Riou


placeholder image for Deanne Bertsch

Deanne Bertsch

Drama, Dance, Glee, New Blood Dance Performance

placeholder image for Scott Carlson

Scott Carlson

Math, Adv. Placement, Mountain Biking

placeholder image for Laura Church

Laura Church

K & E Program, Spartan Leo Club

placeholder image for Wes Clark

Wes Clark

Construction Technology, Golf

placeholder image for Emily Curtis

Emily Curtis


placeholder image for Cheryl Davidson

Cheryl Davidson

Cosmetology, Barbering, Spartan LEO Club

placeholder image for Doran Davidson

Doran Davidson

Math, Adv. Placement

placeholder image for Anne Douglas

Anne Douglas

Strive 3

placeholder image for Kody Duxbury

Kody Duxbury

Social Studies

placeholder image for Ed Eberts

Ed Eberts

Computer Science, IT, Robotics, Web and Industrial Design, Animation

placeholder image for Jerry Flaws

Jerry Flaws

Physical Education, Rugby, SR Girls Volleyball

placeholder image for Dion Galandy

Dion Galandy

Science, SR Girls Basketball

placeholder image for Karen Galandy

Karen Galandy

Guidance Counselor, English

placeholder image for Jeanette Greep

Jeanette Greep

Social Studies, Cosmetology, Spartan Council Advisor

placeholder image for Darrell Hargrove

Darrell Hargrove

Physical Education, Fitness, JV Boys Volleyball

placeholder image for Kristen Harriman-Foldi

Kristen Harriman-Foldi

Physical Education/Outdoor Education, JV Volleyball Coach, Football

placeholder image for Caleb Harris

Caleb Harris

Metal Fabrication

placeholder image for Cole Hintz

Cole Hintz

Science, SR boys volleyball, Sustainable Solutions for Schools

placeholder image for Blythe Hrymack

Blythe Hrymack

Social Studies

placeholder image for Krista Huntley

Krista Huntley

English, GSA

placeholder image for Jenny Lam

Jenny Lam

Social Studies/English, ISS, CTS, Spartan Leo Club

placeholder image for Michelle Ledene

Michelle Ledene

Science, Curling

placeholder image for Stephanie Legendre

Stephanie Legendre

Math, Grad Advisor

placeholder image for Leah Malinowski

Leah Malinowski


placeholder image for Mark McKeen

Mark McKeen

Social Studies

placeholder image for Ian Regnier

Ian Regnier

Spanish, Cross Country

placeholder image for Taryn Riley

Taryn Riley

Media, Design, Communications, Yearbook Advisor

placeholder image for Brandy Roberts

Brandy Roberts

Art, Pottery, Jewellery Making

placeholder image for Lorelei Sammons

Lorelei Sammons

Foods, Fashion

placeholder image for Amy Seely

Amy Seely


placeholder image for Justin Silva

Justin Silva


placeholder image for Paul Sonsteby

Paul Sonsteby

English, Europe Trip Advisor

placeholder image for Jessica St. Goddard

Jessica St. Goddard


placeholder image for Leesa Trump

Leesa Trump

English, Social Studies, Aboriginal Stuides

placeholder image for Kyle Tucker

Kyle Tucker

Physical Education, Outdoor Education

placeholder image for Nandini Vaid

Nandini Vaid


placeholder image for Sharline Visser

Sharline Visser

Social Studies, CTS

placeholder image for Carrie Westgard

Carrie Westgard

Guidance Counselor, Health Care

placeholder image for Jennifer Williams

Jennifer Williams

Learning Resource Room, English, Grad Advisor, Golf

Learning Commons Facilitator

placeholder image for Jan Wathen

Jan Wathen

FNMI Liaison

placeholder image for Kaiya LaCouvee

Kaiya LaCouvee

Educational Assistants

placeholder image for Rebecca Dahl

Rebecca Dahl

placeholder image for Lauryn Hendricks

Lauryn Hendricks

placeholder image for Christine Homem

Christine Homem

placeholder image for Presley Kalbhen

Presley Kalbhen

placeholder image for Keleigha Labbe

Keleigha Labbe

placeholder image for Jolene Slemp

Jolene Slemp


placeholder image for Tim Drover

Tim Drover

Head Chef

placeholder image for Leah Gallant

Leah Gallant

placeholder image for Janet Wagner

Janet Wagner


placeholder image for Roberto Cena

Roberto Cena

placeholder image for Tetiana Hrydina

Tetiana Hrydina

placeholder image for Ian Jessome

Ian Jessome

placeholder image for Jennifer Smith

Jennifer Smith
