Amazing Opportunities

Bold Eagle

Bold Eagle is a unique summer training and employment program for Aboriginal youth living in Western or Northern Canada. The program provides young adults the opportunity to experience a taste of Army life. Application deadline is April 30. The inclusion of Aboriginal culture is a key component to the success of Bold Eagle.

Cadets & Armed Forces Summer Reserves Program

The Cadet Program is the largest federally-sponsored youth program in Canada that includes the Royal Canadian Sea, Army and Air Cadets who are interested in participating in fun, challenging and rewarding activities while learning at sea, army and air activities of the Canadian Forces. It is a national program for young Canadians aged 12 to 18.  Cadets make valuable life and work skills such as teamwork, leadership and citizenship.

Europe Trip

The bi-annual Europe trip runs over Easter Break. The cost of the trip will vary from year to year. It typically includes flights, transfers, hotels, buses, ferries, many entrances into attractions, breakfasts and dinners. It is open to students, parents and the community.  


Forum for Young Canadians

The “Forum Experience” brings students to Ottawa for an intensive academic adventure that immerses them in the exciting world of national politics and public affairs. Four week long sessions are offered each spring. This is a great experience to develop leadership skills and to learn about parliamentary democracy, how government works and how you can make a difference.

House of Commons Page Program

Each year 40 students are selected from high schools across Canada to come to Ottawa and work as Pages in the House of Commons.  Pages have the opportunity to learn about the House of Commons while witnessing the legislative process first hand.  Those hired as Pages, work on a part-time basis during their first year of study at one of the universities.  Please contact the guidance counselors for more information.  Application submission is the end of September.


Heritage Youth Researcher Summer Program was developed and funded by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research.  If you are a Grade 11 high school student interested in science, this program provides hands-on research experience at a provincial university to anyone with an 85% standing in Grade 11 math and science.

Junior Forest Rangers

This is a seven week summer work experience program that will expose you to the world of forestry and natural resource management and sciences while working outdoors. Full-time high school students between 16 and 18 years old looking for excitement, adventure and challenge.  If so, this job will give you a chance to explore career options, to gain valuable skills and to contribute to Alberta’s forests.

International Lions Exchange

Students have an opportunity to travel and participate in a volunteer project that benefits a local community.  They will learn leadership skills, local culture and way of life. The trip includes meeting and spending time with locals, and volunteering in a construction project. Students can also earn credit for this trip.

Rotary Exchange

Study abroad for young people who spend a few weeks to a full year. Candidates are ages 15-19 and are leaders in their schools and communities. Develop lifelong leadership skills, learn a new language and culture, build lasting friendships around the world, become a global citizen

SHAD Valley

This is a four week life experience summer enrichment program where students spend a month living in residence at one of our host university campuses. The program is offered to students currently completing grade 10, 11 and 12. The focus includes science, technology and entrepreneurship.  Students also enjoy recreational activities and the opportunity to explore local attractions. The program provides an academically stimulating, mind expanding adventure for top well-rounded students.


The WISEST Summer Research Program provides an opportunity for students who have completed Grade 11 to gain firsthand information about different  science and engineering disciplines.  Participants in the program will work as paid research assistants on a project in an area that is non-traditional for their gender for six weeks in July and August.  Participation in this program will help students to broaden their awareness of career opportunities and will encourage them to consider a future in the research culture.