Guidelines for Close Contact of a Covid Case

Guidelines for Close Contact of a Covid Case
What does it mean to be a close contact of a COVID-19 case?
A close contact is anyone who, during the infectious period of the case:
- lived with or was within two metres of a person who has COVID-19 for 15 minutes or more of cumulative contact, i.e. multiple interactions for a total of 15 minutes or more, even if a mask was worn during that contact, or
- had direct contact with infectious bodily fluids of a person who has COVID-19 (e.g., shared items such as drinks, personal hygiene items, cigarettes, vapes, lipstick, eating utensils, etc.) or was coughed or sneezed on, or
- provided direct care for a person who has COVID-19, or
- had physical contact with a person who has COVID-19, such as handshake, hugging, kissing, or sexual activity
Anyone who falls into any of the above categories is considered a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19. Wearing a mask is not sufficient to exempt you from being considered a close contact.
Consistent and appropriate use of personal protective equipment (PPE) by regulated health care professionals must be assessed to determine if the individual had adequate protection from a potential COVID-19 exposure. This is determined by a professional with knowledge and expertise in infection prevention and control.
What do I do if I'm a Close Contact?
For the 14 days following your last close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case, you are recommended to:
- Monitor for symptoms. If you develop symptoms, isolate and get tested immediately.
- If you are not fully immunized, you are also recommended to:
- avoid public places such as schools, daycares, and sports and recreation activities,
- avoid contact with vulnerable persons such as seniors, immunocompromised individuals and those with chronic health conditions,
- avoid non-essential visits to hospitals or continuing care facilities.
- Take additional precautions such as physical distancing, wearing a mask and washing or sanitizing hands often.
- If you live with a person who has COVID-19 and they are not able to completely isolate away from you, you will continue to be exposed for the duration of their isolation period. You are at risk of developing COVID-19 during their isolation period and for 14 days after their last day of isolation. You should follow the above recommendations for this entire time period.
The information about Close Contacts of a COVID-19 Case can be found at the following link: https://www.