SADD simulation on Wed, May 11th

As you drive by SHS on May 11th, don't be alarmed! We will be holding a vehicle collision simulation in the front parking lot for our annual SADD campaign. Strathmore Fire Dept, EMS and RCMP will be in attendance.
Today’s simulation walked us through what occurs in response to a vehicle collision. Although today’s events were not real, the impact of impaired driving is far reaching.
The statistics for motor vehicle crashes and impairment-related crashes among young drivers specifically are alarming.
- Young people have the highest rates of traffic death and injury per capita among all age groups and the highest death rate per kilometer driven among all drivers under 75 years of age. More 19-year-olds die or are seriously injured than any other age group.
- Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 16 to 25 year old, and alcohol and/or drugs are a factor in 55% of those crashes.
- 16-25 year old constituted 13.6% of the population in 2010, but made up almost 33.4% of the impairment-related traffic deaths.
Raising awareness against impaired driving is important, which is why we staged the simulation today. With a few weeks left before graduation, we want to emphasize how important it is to make wise decisions. We care about your safety and want you all to experience a bright future without the devastating implications of impaired driving. Please be mindful when considering your decisions!
We would also like to thank the Strathmore Fire department, Emergency Medical Services and RCMP for taking part today. As much as we appreciate them being here, we hope that none of you will encounter them in relation to impaired driving. As you leave today, please remember to make wise decisions, look after your friends and stay safe!