Leadership Awards

Grade 12s, are you a leader or ambassador for your school? Are you involved in extracurricular activities in the school and/or the community? Do you have extraordinary accomplishments in one or more areas outside of academics?
Then you need to apply for the following scholarships:
ATA Award
Presented to a well rounded student that maintains a high academic average while participating in extracurricular activities that include both sports and school-based committees.
Strathmore Times Class Act Award
Presented to a student who has extraordinary accomplishments outside of academics and whose quality of character sets them apart or distinguishes them from their school and community.
Keith Schneider Memorial Ambassador Award
Presented to a student who has participated in extracurricular activities during all three years of high school. This student has conducted themselves in a manner that has consistently brought honor to SHS because of their personal example and behaviour.
Strathmore Lions Club Academic Achievement & School Community Leadership & Service Scholarship
Presented to a student who has demonstrated academic achievement and a strong dedication to community leadership and service.
Application forms will be sent to you GHSD today (April 18th). The application period for these awards will close on May 15th.
Contact Mrs. Barwacz Riou if you have any questions.