
Teachers, students, and community members take considerable pride in the success of our students, through their achievements, individually or as part of a team. We seek out opportunities to recognize students who have done well in one or more of the following areas: academics, athletics, citizenship, leadership, and the arts. We invite students and parents to assist us in creating an environment where all students are recognized for their accomplishments. 

Students can apply for various awards by completing the online applications below. Students must use their school email accounts to have access to the forms. External and personal account users will not be able to open the forms.

These awards will be presented at the annual Awards Night on June 5, 2025 at 7:00 pm in the Theatre.

Note: Returning Grade 12 students will not be eligible for any awards. 

If students or parents have any questions regarding award applications, please contact Mrs. Barwacz Riou.

Important Application Dates and Deadlines

  • March 3, 2025  Citizenship  Scholarship Applications Open
  • April 7, 2025 Citizenship Scholarship Applications Close


  • March 18, 2025  Career Specific Scholarships Open
  • April 28, 2025 Career Specific Scholarships Close


  • April 14, 2025  Leadership Scholarships Open
  • May 12, 2025 Leadership Scholarships Close


Wave 2

If your post secondary plans are similar to this, be sure to apply.  This first wave of scholarship applications opens on March 18th. If you are eligible for any of these scholarships, make sure you apply by clicking on the scholarship link below. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Barwacz Riou.

Claude Gauvin Foundation Scholarship

3 scholarships will be awarded to those students attending a trade school and pursuing a career in the construction industry

Corbiell Electrical Scholarship

Awarded to a student who has maintained a good academic standing and will be entering the electrical field in post-secondary education.

Edward and Hazel Risdon Scholarship

Awarded to a student who is planning on attending a post­-secondary institution where their main focus of study will either be in the foods, fashion, fabrication, or construction industry.  

SHS Agriculture Bursary


Awarded to a student who will be attending a post-secondary school to study for a career in the agricultural industry.  

SHS Teachers of Tomorrow Scholarship

Awarded to a student pursuing an education degree in order to become a teacher.

Stella Jones Scholarship

Presented annually to a student who is pursuing education in forestry studies or a trade school program.

Strathmore Rural Firefighter’s Nathan Haase Memorial Scholarship

Presented to a student enrolled in a trades program at a post-secondary school.

Wilson Digital Media Scholarship

Presented to a grade 11 or 12 student who is pursuing a diploma or degree in journalism, communication studies, or public relations with the intention of working as a journalist. Preference will be given to students who have been accepted into a post-secondary institution, but those who have made significant contributions to the SHS Yearbook Club, communication studies, and/or related activities within the school or greater community will also be considered.


Wave 3

Are you a leader or ambassador for your school?  Are you involved in extracurricular activities in the school and/or the community?  Do you have extraordinary accomplishments in one or more areas outside of academics? Then you need to apply to the following. 

These scholarships will open April 14th.

ATA Award

Presented to a well rounded student that maintains a high academic average while participating in extracurricular activities that include both sports and school-based committees.

Keith Schneider Memorial Ambassador Award

Presented to a student who has participated in extracurricular activities during all three years of high school. This student has conducted themselves in a manner that has consistently brought honor to SHS because of their personal example and behaviour.

Strathmore Times Class Act Award

Presented to a student who has extraordinary accomplishments outside of academics and whose quality of character sets them apart or distinguishes them from their school and community.

Strathmore Lions Club Academic Achievement & School Community Leadership & Service Scholarship

Presented to a student who has demonstrated academic achievement and a strong dedication to community leadership and service.


Emma Armstrong Scholarship

This scholarship honors the memory of Emma Armstrong from Hussar, Alberta.  Emma had a strong personality with a huge smile and an infectious laugh that came right from her toes.  She was very driven, social and personable which helped develop lifelong friendships.  She was always willing to lend a hand and step up when needed.  Emma enjoyed many activities and sports through school and extracurricular, such as curling, badminton, baseball, hockey and many water skiing activities.  Often she could be found in a leadership role with much respect from her peers.  She was born and raised in Hussar and attended Hussar School for elementary.  With no junior high option in Hussar, students from Emma’s class moved to their choice of schools in the surrounding area.  Emma continued her education at Crowther Memorial Junior High and Strathmore High School.   With classmates, friends and family all attending different schools in different communities, it allowed many new friendships and bonds to be made.  

Emma was killed in a tragic car accident at the age of 16, just 11 days before her 17th birthday.  Her parents Clay and Colleen along with her brother Cort wish to honour her memory by offering a scholarship from the generous contributions made from friends, family, teams, clubs and different organizations from surrounding communities.

This scholarship will be available to any student who has attended a school in Strathmore, Drumheller, Bassano or Wheatland Crossing.

Emma would have been a high school graduate in 2019. Yearly, we offer two - $1000.00 scholarships to the successful applicants.  This scholarship is given to a worthy Grade 12 recipient(s) who are entering post-secondary school, within the next three years.  

Eligibility Criteria 

Applicant must have some or all of the following:

  • Must have taken majority of high school in one of the above listed schools
  • Must be an active member of their community
  • Demonstrates strong leadership skills while being a team player
  • Strong values and able to stand up for them
  • Sports orientated with a competitive nature and very coachable
  • Well rounded with the ability to show compassion, a good role model


Submit a minimum 400 word self-written letter introducing yourself and outlining the criteria that best describes you.

Submit two character reference letters by non-family members.  


Complete applications should be submitted to by May 15th.

**Scholarships will be awarded once the recipient shows proof of enrollment upon the start of their program

Click Here for .pdf version

SHS Scholarship Checklist

Please print the attached document (Scholarship Checklist) in order to keep yourself organized.

SHS Scholarship Checklist

Reference Letter Tips

The time of year is upon us when you may need to ask teachers and others for reference letters for scholarships, awards, jobs, or other purposes.  Please note the tips below:

1. When asking for a reference letter, always allow at least 1 full week of time and include the due date in the reference request so the individual writing the request (referee) is aware of the timeline from the beginning.  

2. Send only the information for the specific scholarships/jobs you are applying for to save the individual providing the reference time and effort. Send the referee the most specific information about what the award/job requirements are.

3.  Always speak in person to the individual from whom you are requesting the reference.  If there is no way to speak to the individual in person, be aware that people often don’t check work email after work hours. If you send an email on Tuesday evening, most people won't read it or reply until the next day. That means  the scholarship deadline would have to be 7 days from Wednesday. If the request is not emailed until Friday night, it will not be read until Monday morning. 

4. If you forget to ask for a reference with at least 1 week's notice, you should contact the award/job supervisor and let them know that this time of year is very busy for writing reference letters. Tell them the referee you’ve asked requires a few more days to complete the letter. Ask them if this is ok. That buys whomever you have asked a bit more time. 

5. Remember that you need to ask someone who knows you well, often in more than one aspect of your life, to be a reference for you.  Teachers who have taught you in more than one class, or who have taught you and been involved in co-curricular clubs or sports with you are often good choices.  Always ask someone with whom you have a positive relationship.

In summary, remember that people you are asking to provide references are very busy. They need concise information, up front, with a clear timeline. It takes  approximately 1-2 hours of uninterrupted time to write an effective, personalized reference letter. 


1. Do I need to use my GHSD email address to apply?  

Yes, you are required to use your Golden Hills School Email address (  If you are having any issues with your GHSD account please see Mrs. Bailie in Student Services.


Leadership Scholarship