It is very important that you give credit to the sources that you are taking ideas from for your own work, learn how to properly write in-text citations and bibliographies/works cited pages with the following documents and websites
- If you require more assistance with referencing and creating bibliographies please stop by and see Mrs. Wathen in the Learning Commons
Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting Sample Works Cited Page | |
Memorial University's How to Write Citations and Bibliographies in MLA Style |
ProQuest Citation Guidelines |
Websites that will help you with generating citations and bibliographies:
Free Online Plagiarism Checkers:
Research Techniques:
Making sure that your sources are credible and relevant is an important factor in writing a good research paper
The following documents, websites, and books will help you develop your research techniques
SAIT Library's document on applying the CRAAP test for evaluating sources
Thompson Rivers University's advanced search techniques, describing boolean operators and their usefulness for searching
SAIT Library's helpful guide on conducting research
The Internet Public Library's Research and Writing
a guide to approaching research
steps for "your vehicle for information evaluation" link and the RADCAB rubric
Books in your Library that will help you with your research skills:
Focus on Research: A Guide to Developing Students' Research Skills by The Alberta Education Curriculum Support Branch Call No: 371.9 FOC
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Research Methods by Laurie E. Rozakis Call No: 808.2 ROZ
Note Taking Tips:
It is important to have a good strategy for note taking, for efficient and effective studying
The SQ3R Method will help you develop this strategy
Remember to SLANT:
Sit up
Lean toward speaker
Activate mind
Note what speaker is saying
Track speaker with eyes
Digital Citizenship:
Safe Digital Communication Tips
Important notes on the Top Ten Tips for Safe and Responsilbe Digital Communication, a book by Tamra B. Orr
a website designed for teenagers to teach them about internet safety
Canada's center for digital and media literacy, promotes internet awareness
The Internet Education Foundation's website with tips and tools on keeping families and kid's safe online
Educational resource for families and children about Internet safety and ethics
Digital Safety: Staying Safe Online
Internet safety blog
a site that provides information about the causes, consequences and extent of cyberbullying.